Criminal Defense Attorney in Nacogdoches, TX

Defense Lawyers in Nacogdoches County Dedicated To Protecting Your Rights

Criminal lawyers are not all created equal. Various levels of experience, dedication, focus, and case management skills all contribute to an attorney's effectiveness.

You need a defense lawyer in Nacogdoches, TX who will:

  • Thoroughly investigate your cases
  • Answer all of your questions as often as needed
  • Provide you with reliable legal advice
  • Powerfully negotiate with prosecutors about the charges and outcome of your case
  • Develop a strategic defense to protect your rights

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Kenneth Biggs

Meet Your Defense Attorney

If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime, multiple people will be involved in your case. These include police officers, clerks, the judge, and (if your case goes to trial) the jury.

But one of the people who impacts your case and sentencing the most is the prosecutor.

As your defense attorney, Kenneth Morgan Biggs can protect your rights like few other lawyers in East Texas can. That’s because he understands the perspective of a prosecutor.

Having served as an Assistant District Attorney for several years before becoming a defense lawyer, Biggs knows how prosecutors think. He knows how they approach a criminal case. And he understands the likely outcomes of a case depending on the details of the crime.

Give your criminal case its best chance by hiring BG Law today.

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Working With BG Law Is Easy

1. Schedule A FREE Consultation
Our lawyers will meet with you to learn about your case and answer any questions you have. Our goal is to put your mind at ease by providing you with a clear path to move forward.

2. Secure An Experienced Defense Lawyer
Choosing the right lawyer can make all the difference between a favorable outcome and a lengthy prison sentence. Please don’t hire just anyone. Contact us today.

3. Relax. Your Case Is In Good Hands.
We understand the fear and uncertainty that comes with facing criminal charges. But don’t worry. Kenneth Biggs and his team will fight for you.

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We Handle Cases Like Yours Every Day

DWI Charges

Consequences for a DWI depend primarily on the number of offenses you’ve committed.

A first-time DWI could get you up to 180 days in jail, a $2,000 fine, and loss of driver's license for up to a year.

If this is your third offense, you’re facing a minimum of 2 years in prison and a maximum of 10. Fines can cost up to $10,000, and driver’s license suspension could last for 2 years.

Hiring an experienced lawyer in Nacogdoches is crucial to ensuring the best possible outcome.

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Drug Crimes

Texas takes drug crimes very seriously. Even a seemingly small possession of marijuana charge can result up to a year in jail and a fine upwards of $4,000.

An experienced defense lawyer can investigate your case to determine if the arresting officers had a valid search warrant or probable cause. If not, there may be other important details your attorney can use in your favor.

Contact the defense lawyers near Nacogdoches at BG Law to discuss your case today.

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Violent Crimes

In Texas, violent crimes are usually judged more harshly and given less lenience than any other crime.

Victim testimonies, graphic photos, and other evidence can be alarming to jurors, prosecutors, and the judge involved in the case.

It’s crucial to contact an attorney immediately. Please do not answer any questions an officer or any other official asks you until your lawyer arrives.

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Schedule Your Free Consultation

To schedule your free case evaluation, just click below and enter your contact information. We’ll call you ASAP and make an appointment to discuss your case.

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